Parish Ministries
Volunteers make possible all these ministries. If you might be interested in participating, please contact the person noted for each item. In doubt about your abilities or qualifications? Remember that: God does not choose the ‘qualified’; God qualifies the ‘chosen’.
Sunday Ministries
For more details, go to, hover over the “Visitors” tab, and click on the drop down “Who’s Who on Sunday?”
Acolytes: carry the Cross in the worship processions and assist the priest during worship. Children and youth serve as acolytes. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner:
Altar Guild: maintains and prepares the altar and its furnishings. Please contact Kathy Oas:
Choir & Musicians: the choir leads the music at our principal Sunday worship service, and on special occasions, local members and outside musicians perform as well. Please contact
Dr. Jerry F. Davidson:
Coffee Hour Hosts: provide and arrange refreshments and coffee and clean up after. Please contact Laure Bennett (
Counters: assist in counting and recording the Sunday offerings. Please contact Steve Bradley (
Greeters: assist people as they enter the church and answer questions of visitors and newcomers. Please contact Andy Weeks (
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs): members who are licensed by the bishop to administer the bread and wine of the Eucharist, and they read portions of the Scripture in Sunday worship. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner:
Lectors (Readers): read parts of the church service. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner:
Newcomer Shepherds: greet both newcomers and visitors, respond to their questions, and also help to integrate them into the life of the parish. Please contact Andy Weeks (
Prayer Team: following the 10 a.m. service, team members are available at the altar rail to pray with those who have particular personal needs or concerns. Please contact the church office at
Sound and A/V Volunteers: operate the sound and video systems. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner (
Ushers: assist people as they enter the church, hand out bulletins, collect and present the offering, assist parishioners during the administration of communion, and clean the pews after the service. Please contact the church office at
Visiting Lay Eucharistic Ministers: take Holy Communion to people who are unable to attend worship and they occasionally lead worship services at seniors’ residential homes. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner:
Ongoing Ministries
Click here for more about our various Bible study groups.
Flower Guild: members prepare altar flowers for Sunday worship and provide other special seasonal decorations for the church. Please contact Teresa Chernault (
News / Media / Web: St. John’s maintains and produces all its own publicity and web site. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner (
Office Support: volunteers answer the phones, prepare mailings and provide various other light administrative functions. Please contact Jackie Bond (
Property Maintenance and Projects: Please contact Deborah Miller-Caldwell (
Vestry: the managing board of the parish consists of nine members elected on rotating three year terms and two wardens. Please contact Rev. Eric Turner (