Locker Room Talk
It's hard for me to get my head around the fact that this is my last eNews. I've spoken of...
It's hard for me to get my head around the fact that this is my last eNews. I've spoken of...
Kenny Chesney sang, "Everybody want (sic) to go to heaven, but nobody want to go now." Kenny understood that there is something...
Is there an unforgiveable sin? Is there something I might say or do that is so heinous in the sight...
Even a cursory reading of the Bible will tell you that keeping the Sabbath is kind of a big deal. ...
It is sometimes said that Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. Prior to this time, the disciples and apostles...
Mothers' Day is not on the church calendar, but it is one of those holidays that we pull in anyway....
"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." So sang Billy Joel in the 1977 hit "Only...
Are you a Christian because it is helps people and society be better, or because you believe it is true? ...
This Sunday we will celebrate Holy Baptism. This one is extra special for me as I will be baptizing my...
We already know how Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem turns out. We know that the people who cheered him with loud...
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