Why I Pledge to and Serve at St. John’s
I am fortunate to have St. John’s as my spiritual home. Walking into the sanctuary I receive that special sense of peace; and God’s presence surrounds me. Often, when I am in the Sanctuary alone and something is troubling me, I ask for His guidance. So many times, this gives me clarity.
One line in the Daughters of the King mottos is, “Lord, what will you have me do?” Just ask and guidance seems to follow. It is a privilege and an honor to serve St. Johns’ as my abilities allow.
One part of the stewardship process is financial. It is always a challenge for most of us to pay the bills even with a steady income but in St. Johns’ situation it is even more difficult. Not knowing one month to the next whether the income will meet the demand. Often parishioners pledge in good faith and during the year, life calls them in another direction and their pledge ceases. When this happens, the church is forced to reassess its needs.
St. Johns’ has been through many lean years in its history, struggling at times to maintain the buildings, and “keep the lights on.” Today the doors do not fit quite as well as they did, but they are always open on Sunday morning to welcome old friends; and soon to be, new friends that may enter the church. Just think, the offering you give one Sunday may be the one to “keep the lights on.”
I pledge and serve St. Johns’ because I want this little church to open its creaky doors every Sunday morning this year and all the coming years ad infinitum.
Jackie Bond