Jesus Arrives in Jerusalem
We already know how Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem turns out. We know that the people who cheered him with loud “Hosannas” on the way in, were shouting “Crucify him!” just a few days later.
Because we’ve heard the next chapter, we miss what a celebration it must have been. We hear the story in the shadow of what is to come, but those folks in Jerusalem at that time knew nothing but hope and promise.
Here was the great teacher who challenged their hypocritical religious leaders. Here is the one who would never sell out to those accursed Romans, like so many others. Here’s the one to finally lead the rebellion that would throw out the Romans, restore the sanctity of the Temple, and the glory of Israel!
For the oppressed, the poor, the downtrodden, it must have been a heady time. But they were missing something. Jesus would not be that sort of leader. Perhaps they missed the symbolism of Jesus on the foal of a donkey and not on a warhorse? Following Jesus would not mean a military victory or an end to Roman oppression. The news is actually far better.
The problem with political or military solutions to our problems is that they never last. There will always be another problem, a different administration, more greed, corruption. Promising solutions inevitably become bloated bureaucracies, or worse.
Christians don’t expect politics or armed conflict to solve our problems. These things matter because they affect the lives of people Jesus loves and we need to be engaged. But they are at best temporary and more often just an illusion.
The only solution that really carries us through is the one that Jesus offers: Life restored to our creator! It is a life lived under the cross of Christ, knowing that the Resurrection is our promise! Life lived in His service and for His Kingdom makes facing the other problems possible and carries us through to an end that does not depend on the vicissitudes of life but the eternal changelessness of God.
That’s something to celebrate!
This column appeared in the March 24, 2024 edition of St. John’s eNews. Click here for the complete issue.
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