Jesus sent 70 of his followers into the towns and villages around. Click here for the passage. They were sent not on their own but as ambassadors.
When the US sends an ambassador to another country, there is an understanding that they now represent the United States. They are no longer free to do their own thing, or to share opinions that are at odds with US policies. They are not there on their own, and the good ones understand that clearly.
When Jesus sent the disciples out, they were given a message to carry and I think they understood that they were not there to do their own thing. They were there to represent Jesus, and they should model their words and behavior accordingly.
Do you think about the fact that we are sent? “Sent” isn’t just for those going off to some other place – it is not just a question of geography. It is a way of understanding our role among those God has placed around us.
If I may put a uniquely “American” spin on the idea, when I was ordained, I gave up my right to free speech. Among other things, I was asked, “Will you do your best to pattern your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ, so that you may be a wholesome example to your people?” To which I replied, “I will.”
The good lord knows I haven’t always lived up to that promise. But with that promise, it is no longer about me, It is how I represent and declare Christ. I have been sent.
And let me be clear – this does not just apply to me. It applies to all Christians! While the wording may be different, the vows of Baptism (Book of Common Prayer, p. 302-303) cover much the same territory and make clear that we are to model our lives after Christ and to live in a way that honors Him.
Sunday we will read of the sending of the seventy, but the real challenge is that it is not just them. It is us. We are today’s seventy.
How does knowing that change your understanding of your life?
This column appeared in the July 3, 2022 edition of St. John’s eNews. Click here for the complete issue.
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